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 In March we hosted a group from the Exeter and East Devon branch of CAMRA at the Heritage Centre. We are very pleased to say that they enjoyed their visit, and you can read more about it in a review by one of their members in the centenary 'Summer' edition of their quarterly magazine, ExeAle, available here Exe Ale Magazine - latest - Exeter & East Devon CAMRA.

One of our new displays for 2024 is about the making of traditional farmhouse clotted cream by farmers' wives in Whimple during the first half of the twentieth century. One of our trustees, Margaret Burrough, comes from a long line of clotted cream producers. In 2011 Margaret appeared in episode 9 of the BBC TV series, Edwardian Farm, demonstrating the art of making traditional farmhouse clotted cream. You can watch the episode in which she appears by following the link Watch Edwardian Farm | Prime Video ( (Amazon Prime subscription required).

 We have been very busy at the Whimple Heritage Centre over the winter changing our displays. Our theme for the year is 'Women of Whimple', and our new displays focus on the often overlooked history of women's lives.  From lace makers to land girls, from dairymaids to factory workers and wassail queens, our displays tell their stories.


  • Come and see our new display explaining the folklore behind the Whimple wassail with wassail costumes, sheet music of Devon folk songs, and rarely seen footage of a 1927 wassail at Whiteway's Cyder orchards.

  • Learn about Whimple's most famous twentieth century resident - a trailblazing woman who rose to the top of her profession as a world renowned puppeteer, and her most popular creation beloved by a generation of children, Muffin the Mule.

  • To coincide with the 80th anniversary of D-Day, find out more about Whimple's role during World War II as the location of a Women's Land Army training centre.

After more than 23 years of sterling service, our secretary, Roger Smith, has decided to resign with effect from the end of March 2024. We therefore need someone to replace him.

The secretary is one of the key members of the management committee, being responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings, writing the newsletter, and dealing with correspondence relating to the Society.

If you are interested or would like more information then please contact us and someone will get back to you.

Whimple Heritage Centre logo

Lockyers Linhay

Church Road




Tel: 01404 822499



Charity registration No. 1051725

Opening Hours:

1st April - 30th Sept

Wednesdays 1pm-3pm

Saturdays & Bank Holiday Mondays

10.30am - 4pm


The Heritage Centre is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible.
Unfortunately the Centre's Archive is located on the 1st floor and is only accessible by a stairway and is therefore not accessible by wheel chair.

Public Transport links:


Nearest station is Whimple which is approximately 1/3 mile distant.
South Western Railway for train times



The nearest bus stop is located 400ft away in the village square served by the 382 service.
Hatch Green Coaches for timings

There is also a bus stop served by the Stagecoach 44A service located at Hand & Pen crossroads on London road, approximately 3/4 mile distant.

See Stagecoach for timings.

Contact Us

For more information. please send us a message:

Thanks for submitting!

Places to Eat/Drink Locally:

New Fountain Inn

As the Heritage Centre is adjacent to the New Fountain Inn why not combine your visit with a drink and meal at this local pub and make a day of it?

Whimple Stores

The village shop located in the Square just a short walk from the Heritage Centre offers take-away and sit-in coffees as well as various snacks and cold beverages.

The Thirsty Farmer

The "Thirsty" as it's known locally is located on the North side of the village near the railway station.

© 2024 by Whimple History Society

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